The town of Salvador and the Itaparica island Bahia State
***Baía de Todos os Santos
*The city of Salvador
The Pelourinho, popularly known as the Pelô, is the name of a neighborhood in Salvador, which is located in the Historical Center of the city, which has a prestigious barroque colonial architectural complex that is part of the Historic Patrimony of the United Nations For Education, Experience and Culture. The word pelourinho refers to a column of stone, normally situated in the center of a square, where the slavesexposed and punished.
Salvador was founded in 1549 by Tomé de Sousa, the first Governor-General of Brazil, and chose the place where the Pelourinho is located for its strategic location overlooking a high cliff at the port and part of the bay.
O palacio Rio Branco was built by the first governor-general (top right icon).
A second elevator was built in 1930 in addition to the old one Lacerda (inaugurated in 1873) in order to connect the lower part of the city called Cidade Baixa of Salvador with the upper part called Cidade Alta (Pelourinho).The halls called Mercado Modelo (photograph in the center) in the bottom town of the capital Salvador width the name Cidade Baixa.
Street Art
Old colonial fort called Santa Maria located in the Barra district Ver:
Boats, from the traditional to the tankers and the small beaches of the city of Salvador.
The Bonfim district is one of the best known in the city of Salvador for Basílica do Senhor do Bonfim and Lavagem do Bonfim. It is located in the Península de Itapagipe, in the Cidade Baixa, bordered by the districts Ribeira, Massaranduba, Monte Serrat, Boa Viagem, Roma and Vila Rui Barbosa. Other monuments are the Praça Divina and Praça dos Dendezeiros (antigo Campo dos Dendezeiros) whitch name is known for the existence of large plantations of palm trees producing dendê (oil) in this avenue during the early days of the city, plantations that stretched as far as Rue Henrique Dias.
The old district Ribeira is located in the lower town (Cidade Baixa) in Salvador. The Ribeira is known for its repair shops of all types of boats, but also for a few years ago, especially in the bay or Enseada dos Tainheiros racing rowers between the old teams of Itapagipe, Vitória, São Salvador and Santa Cruz.
The beaches of the city of Salvador or the outlying districts, from the popular districts (photographs on the left) to the beaches of the residential districts, which benefit from special care from the prefecture with grass and coconut trees, Increased police vigilance.
*The Itaparica island
The services (shuttles) of the island with the city of Salvador are regular. Women dressed in local clothes wait for the landing dock for maritime shuttles to offer their traditional dish.
The Penha beach of the village Mar Grande, on the west coast of the island, offers its reef, these colors as well as the view of a small church once built on a point facing the sea. To look out onto the town of Salvador de Bahia
*The village of Itaparica
Unlike Mar Grande, on the other side of the island (on the Salvador side), the village of Itaparica enjoys a well-to-do population and special care (high-end residences and marina). The fort of the Navy may be the reason.
Bahia State. From north to south, we distinguish various denominations of the seaside in function that one goes down towards the south: *the Coconut Coast (located at the north of the capital Salvador), *the Bay of All Saints (geographical area of Bahia Bay), *the Dênde Coast (located between the river Jaguaripe and the CamamuBay, real succession of beaches, mangroves, rocky coasts, water source, rivers, cachoeiras and estuaries), *the Cacau Coast (from the town of Ilhéus to the little cities Canavieiras and Santa Luzia at the south), *the Discovery Coast (from the village of Belmonte to Caraiva at the south) classified as a World Natural Heritage by Unesco in 1999, *the Whales Coast (Covering the municipalities of Prado, Alcobaça, Caravelas, Nova Viçosa and Mucuri, southernmost).